Oil is the fingerprint of our country. Each territory and cultivar asserts its unique identity

Quintals of olive oil

produced in Italy between 2018 and 2020


cultivated as olive groves

Italian cultivars

recognised in the territory, an expression of the variety that makes us unique


who foster the biodiversity and wealth of our olive-growing heritage

Ultime News

Study project on the perception of quality olive oil by Italians abroad
Research 23/03/2023
Study project on the perception of quality olive oil by Italians abroad

The Oleario project at the center of a meeting between Italy and Argentina on rooted tourism and the desire for knowledge and insight into quality products of the Italian tradition

Leggi di più
Cultural landscapes and olive growing in the Mediterranean
Research 01/03/2023
Cultural landscapes and olive growing in the Mediterranean

Villa Rendano, multimedial Museum of Cosenza Itinera | March 4, 2023, 11.00-14.00

Leggi di più
Oleario takes part in the conference on Valtellinese Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Research 26/02/2023
Oleario takes part in the conference on Valtellinese Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Assembly hall of the Valtellina Mountain Community of Morbegno | March 11, 2023

Leggi di più

"Oleario. Dove l'Italia lascia il segno" nasce per diffondere la conoscenza del nostro patrimonio olivicolo e oleario, valorizzando il legame tra cibo, agricoltura, territorio, cultura e tradizione

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